CHADIS Release 7
Baltimore, MD: 7 January 2007 A new version of CHADIS is available which includes some new features including patient search filtering by doctor and improved automatic assignment.
Premature birth data added to patient record
CHADIS has added premature birth information to the patient record. This enables CHADIS to correct for prematurity when automatically assigning questionnaires based upon patient age (and especially for infants).
When parents use an invitation code to create a login and add their child as a patient, CHADIS will ask for this prematurity information. If your office chooses to create patients manually instead of using invitation codes, then you will be asked to provide this information when creating the patient.
For all existing patients under 2 years old, respondents will be asked to provide this information the next time they login to CHADIS.
Search for patients by doctor
The patient search screen now features the ability to search by doctor. This allows doctors to locate their patients more quickly.
Simply select a doctor from the "Any Doctor" dropdown on the search screen to constrain the search results. Any patients who are not associated with any particular doctor will show up for all doctors who have access to the office to which the patient has been assigned.
Assign questionnaires to a specific respondent
You can now assign a questionnaire to a specific respondent (e.g. parent, teacher, or patient), as long as that respondent already exists. (You are always free to create additional respondents.)
This feature opens up new possibilities like being able to make the patient a respondent and then assign a questionnaire. In addition, you may choose to ask one parent to take a certain questionnaire, and another parent to take a different one. Or, if you would like to assign a questionnaire to a teacher or other educator, you can do so and be sure that the questionnaire will not be completed by the wrong person.
Improved automatic questionnaire assignment
Parents and other respondents can now ask CHADIS to assign new questionnaires for an upcoming visit. The questionnaires will be assigned using the same rules you currently have for automatic assignment (i.e. based upon patient age and visit type).
Questionnaires now have "friendly" names
To improve usability and decrease confusion, CHADIS now features "friendly" names for all questionnaires. These names are displayed to the respondent instead of the official names which can sometimes sound too technical.
For instance, the "Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT)" is displayed as "Toddler Social Development", and the "Partner Violence Screen" is displayed as "Partner Interactions" to respondents.
Not all questionnaires will have different "friendly" names. However, please familiarize yourself with any "friendly" names that do exist since your respondents will not see the official names of those questionnaires.
Friendly names for Questionnaires Official Name Friendly Name Pediatric Symptom Checklist-17-item Parent Version Pediatric Symptom Checklist for Parents EPSDT (Health Risk) Health Risk Vanderbilt Teacher Teacher Classroom Behavior Ratings Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT) Toddler Social Development (M-CHAT) Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support Social Support (MSPSS) Partner Violence Screen (PVS) Partner Interactions McMaster Family Assessment Device, General Functioning Subscale Family Interactions (McMaster)