The Comprehensive Health and Decision Information System was initially created by Center staff and is now managed and distributed by Total Child Health. Go to for more information.
Research Projects involving Center staff have included:
Promoting Psychosocial Child Health Supervision and Care, Bureau of Maternal and
Child Health $12,000
Behavioral Pediatrics Fellowship Program, Maternal and Child Health Bureau $120,000
2002-4 Promoting Psychosocial Child Health Supervision and Care, Bureau of Maternal and Child Health $12,000
The Child Health and Development Interactive System, Small Business Initiative
Phase 2 grant, NICHD $987,000
Training trainers in psychosocial-developmental pediatrics, Maternal and Child
Health Bureau, $12,000 per year
2006-22 2 T20MC07464-11-00 (Howard) 7/01/2006- 06/30/2022 MCHB Training CED/COR Pediatric and Child Psychiatry
Training trainers in psychosocial-developmental pediatrics, Maternal and Child
Health Bureau, $15,000 per year
Screening for ASD in Pediatric Practice: A Multimodal Approach, Maryland Dept. of
Education, $350,000
Optimizing the Care of Mississippi Children with ADHD, Cisco Fda, $600,000
2013-16 R44HL117482 (FAST-TRACK) (Howard) 2/11/2013 – 06/30/2016 NIH/NHLBI Web System for Engaging Families & Doctors in Continuous Asthma Quality Improvement
2009-18 2R44MH085399-04 (Howard) 3/6/2009-4/30/2018 NIH/NIMH Improving Accuracy and Accessibility of Early Autism Screening2013-14 1 R43 DA036258-01 Hansen (PI) 7/01/2013-06/30/2014 NIADA Pediatrician Office Drug Prevention2010-14 1R44MH086302-01 (Howard) 5/7/10- 4/30/14 NIH/NIMH A Tool Supporting and Monitoring Decision Making in ADHD
2016-20 1R44HD089785-01 (Howard) 07/01/2016- 06/30/2019 NICHD A clinical process support system for primary care to address family stress
2019 1R44DA046262-01 (Howard, Sturner, Harris) 5/1/19-4/30/22 NIDA. Online System for Primary Care to Prevent and Address Teen Substance Use
2019 1R44MH116751-01A1 (Howard, Sturner, Wamboldt) 5/1/19-4/30/22
NIMH Online system for identifying and addressing teen depression in primary care