The Center for Promotion of Child Development through Primary Care seeks to improve the lives of children and families through research, training and support for parents and healthcare providers in the primary care application of child development knowledge. The Center is also the home of CHADIS: an interactive computer system for parents, primary care clinicians, and mental health professionals.
Community Coalition Efforts in Montgomery County Fund Autism and Development System of Care Grant
Baltimore, MD: Sept 2019-20 — The Center is collaborating with the Montgomery County Coalition on Improving Early Intervention for Infants and Toddlers with Developmental Disabilities to pilot a new CHADIS-driven system of care approach to Autism and Developmental Delay screening and referral. With funding from the county government and the Washington Area Women’s Foundation, the Center is partnering with the Coalition, Easterseals and the Treatment and Learning Center to implement CHADIS in new pediatric practices with the goal of promoting more timely and appropriate screening and referral. This project has a special focus on expanding early screening and intervention access in low-income and racial/ethnic minority communities that have traditionally been under-served by the existing screening-to-services pathway. Dr. Lydia Stewart is coordinating the Center's involvement with this project. For more information, contact her at
Cisco Foundation Awards ADHD Project Linking Teachers, Pediatricians, and Parents
Baltimore, MD: 20 March 2007 — The Cisco Systems Foundation announced today a major award to the Center for Promotion of Child Development through Primary Care for a novel research project to identify and optimize the treatment of elementary school children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in three Mississippi school districts. more...
AAP Establishes Alliance with The Center
Atlanta, GA: 9 October 2006 — The Americal Academy of Pediatrics agrees to develop an alliance with The Center. Subgroups of the AAP Task Force on Mental Health are now working with our staff to provide consensus on materials to be included in modules that are planned for CHADIS.