New CHADIS Questionnaires Release Announcement
Dear CHADIS Users,
We are very pleased to announce the availability of two new questionnaires in CHADIS: the Kutcher Adolescent Depression Screen (KADS) and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE).
The Kutcher Adolescent Depression Screen is a 6-item self-report depression screening measure for adolescents that yields either a positive or negative screen for depression. It demonstrated good sensitivity and specificity (.92 and .71, respectively; LeBlanc et al., 2002) when compared with the Beck Depression Inventory and may be an efficient and effective means of screening adolescents for depression.
The ACE is a tool most suitable for research or practices serving high-risk populations.
Designed to assess adults' experiences in childhood, the ACE includes ten items assessing adverse events such as abuse, growing up in a dysfunctional household, and separation, divorce, or parental absence Each positive response results in a score of '1' with responses summed to yield a total score. CHADIS allows the clinician to view this total score and associated responses via the electronic report. The total score has been almost linearly associated with adverse health outcomes in adults (Felitti, V.J., 2002. The relation between adverse childhood experiences and adult health: Turning gold into lead. Permanente Journal: Focus on pediatrics, Winter 2002. ;
You can check out the growing family of pre-visit questionnaires now available on our website,, or contact us by phone at 888-4CHADIS (888-424-2347).