2003 News
September 22, 2003
Presentations at the annual meeting of the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediarics in Pittsburgh:
- "Attributional Biases in Innercity Children with Poor Peer Interaction" Sharon Richter, Raymond Sturner, Barbara Howard, and Anne Duggan
- "Preliminary Validation of DSM-PC Diagnoses", Raymond Sturner, Barbara Howard, Tanya Morrel, and Stephanie Shaffer
May 15, 2003
Center implements a secure internet site where caregivers whose children have an upcoming visit with a pediatrician who is using CHADIS can complete questionnaires prior to the visit.
May 14, 2003
Center begins pilot testing of CHADIS at a second Baltimore site, East Baltimore Medical Center, a pediatric clinic in Baltimore City, part of the Johns Hopkins Medical Corporation.
May 3, 2003
Presentation of "Validation of a Computerized Parent Questionnaire for Identifying Child Mental Health Disorders and Implementing DSM-PC" at the Annual Meeting of the Pediatric Academic Societies, Seattle, Washington.
February 25, 2003
Center receives contract for NICHD phase II SBIR with subsidiary Total Child Health.
January 10, 2003
Center begins pilot testing of CHADIS at Wyman Park Medical Center, a pediatric clinic in Baltimore City, part of the Johns Hopkins Medical Corporation.